Gaining Clarity of Intention for 2024

As we stride into 2024, it’s time to look ahead to what that year might hold for you and your career. In our last blog, we encouraged you to ask some questions about how things went for you in 2023. Now in Part 2, we’ll ask some questions that will help you to look forward. We invite you to take a moment to create a compelling vision for the year ahead:

  1. What did I do last year that I want to do again in 2024?

  2. What three specific things am I going to do to build my skills and therefore my ability to add value: e.g. go on a course, gain a qualification, learn a specific skill?

  3. What am I going to do to improve my external marketing? For example: serve and build my network consistently and meaningfully; improve the clarity of my value message; (gently) increase my visibility, and so on.

  4. What am I going to do to improve my internal marketing? For example: work on committees, volunteer for new assignments, nurture my internal network, increase visibility and get the recognition (with a due sense of modesty) that I deserve for my contribution, whilst not being uncomfortably overt about it.

  5. What experiences can I seek out, which I might initially find uncomfortable or overwhelming, but which will definitely expand my abilities and the identity I hold for myself, and therefore be beneficial to my career? 

Now with those ideas in mind, it’s worth writing a brief paragraph that describes your Compelling Career Vision for 2024. This will give you a sense of purpose, drive and excitement for the year ahead.

It’s something that you can return to on a weekly basis to get ‘that’ feeling again by re-associating yourself to it. You can picture yourself doing the work, overcoming challenges and setbacks, getting the results and feeling that sense of victory.

I hope that this has been thought provoking as we enter 2024. If you feel that you need help with gaining clarity about the direction of your career, conducting your job search or you are just a bit lost, then please reach out and we can have a chat.


Career Success: the right opportunities


2023: End of Year Career Review