2023: End of Year Career Review
As we come to the end of the year, you might be able to find some time to reflect on what happened for your career in 2023. In this first of a two-part blog, we’ll ask some important questions, which, when answered, will create a base from which to move on and think about your ambitions and plans for 2024:
What was great about my career (job, firm, culture, people, etc.) in 2023?
What did I accomplish?
What did I learn from this?
What do I want to replicate?
What did I not enjoy? What was difficult?
What am I going to do my best to ensure won’t happen again?
What did I learn from those negative experiences? (the gift is in the lesson)
What have been the major themes of change in the economic environment and within my industry, and, most specifically, within my firm that I need to be aware of?
What can I do to prepare myself for the consequences of those trends and changes?
Will any of these changes require me to alter the direction of my career or determine that I need to evolve in some way? If so, what does that look like?
In what ways have I changed in the last 12 months?
Has what I value the most shifted? If so, what adjustments do I need to make to my career in order to ensure that it will be aligned with my wider life, values and ambitions?
I hope you find these questions useful food for thought. If you feel that you need help with gaining clarity about the direction of your career, conducting your job search, or you’re just a bit lost and need advice, then please reach out and we can have a chat.