Stephen Wright Stephen Wright

Reclaiming Balance: 4 Practical Steps to Combat Burnout and Rediscover Career Well-Being

In our previous blog post, we looked at the importance of recognising the early signs of burnout for professionals in Financial Services and what those signs are. Taking action early before burnout is clearly imperative. With that in mind, let's consider 4 practical steps you can take to prevent it developing and reclaim balance so that your career is more fulfilling and better aligns with your career vision, values and ambitions.

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Stephen Wright Stephen Wright

Recognising the early signs of burnout

Over the years, a small number of clients have come to me because they have felt simply burnt out. I suspect that physical and emotional burnout is not uncommon in Financial Services. Often, those professionals are highly ambitious and are working their way to the top of their field, but perhaps not without sacrifices. After a while, however, the work rate no longer becomes sustainable.

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Stephen Wright Stephen Wright

Overcoming self-doubt and imposter syndrome at work

An issue that seems to affect a number of Financial Services professionals is Imposter Syndrome. It comes up frequently in conversations with coaching clients. With that in mind, let’s look at what it is, how it manifests itself, why it can adversely affect your career, and what you can do about it

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Stephen Wright Stephen Wright

Job Search: The Essentials of Asking Intelligently

We all know that at some point, we’ll want to ask for help during a job search. However, it’s important to do this as intelligently as possible. After all, if you don’t, it’s likely that you’ll waste what were potentially valuable opportunities. Do that too often and your errors risk compounding into a downward spiral towards failure. By the same token, do it well and doors will open and opportunities will present themselves.

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Stephen Wright Stephen Wright

Why do accomplished professionals underperform in interviews?

Sometimes even the most adept professionals underperform at interviews. They might be the perfect candidate on paper and still walk away from the interview without having secured the role. In this blog, we’ll discuss some of the reasons why this might be the case so as to help you preempt and avoid finding yourself in the same position.

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Stephen Wright Stephen Wright

LinkedIn Connection Requests: Why and How

It goes without saying that the power of LinkedIn shouldn’t be underestimated for anyone who wants to maximise their career potential. That said, it’s easy to make faux pas on this platform, especially with Connection Requests, the focus of this week’s blog.

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Stephen Wright Stephen Wright

It’s time to take stock

As we’ve reached the halfway point in the year, it might be time to take stock of the state of your career health. At Career Mentor, our goal is to help Financial Services professionals build careers that better align with their lives, values and ambitions. So in this blog, we’ll go on a journey that will enable you to ask some searching questions and to gain an insightful snapshot.

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Stephen Wright Stephen Wright

Adapt, thrive, evolve

It would be something of a cliché to say that it is not the strongest that survive but the smartest and those most able to evolve. This very issue came up in a coaching call this morning and I think that there are some ideas you might find useful, which we can unpack further and use to create an action plan.

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Stephen Wright Stephen Wright

4 ways to reduce the time you’re out of work

According to LinkedIn research, the average time that it takes to find a new job is six to seven months. Those that don’t get a job within 12 months fall into the category of long-term unemployed and one might reasonably argue that the longer someone is out of work so it becomes more difficult to get back into a similar position.

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Stephen Wright Stephen Wright

The importance of capturing and leading imagination in an interview

An outstanding salesman once said: “People buy for emotional reasons and then justify with logic”. If we accept the premise that a job interview as a candidate is in fact selling, then there’s a lot that we can learn from this idea. In this blog, we discuss the importance of leading and capturing imagination in an interview.

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Stephen Wright Stephen Wright

15 questions to ask yourself before starting a job search

Before you embark on any journey, it’s essential to know where you are now and and where you want to get to. Without the answers to those questions, you’ll surely get lost. This is most certainly true of a job search journey.

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Stephen Wright Stephen Wright

Why haven’t I heard anything since my interview?

So, you met a recruiter or a firm some weeks ago but you haven’t heard anything from them, despite everyone getting back to work. Should you be patient? Are they ‘ghosting’ you? Should you chase them and if so, who should you contact?

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Stephen Wright Stephen Wright

Is your career plateauing?

One of the most common concerns that my coaching clients come to me with is that they feel their career has plateaued. Typically, they will have risen to the higher echelons of their firm or sector, and have known real career success and fulfilment. They will have once been at the top of their game and been recognised as a leader in their field. However, there sometimes comes a time when things seem to have stalled.

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Stephen Wright Stephen Wright

When should you turn down a job offer?

Turning down a job offer can seem like a risky thing to do. It can even seem foolish. This is especially if you’ve been applying for jobs over a long period of time and have had little success. However, accepting the wrong job offer is more likely to damage your career in the long-term than turning down something which isn’t quite right.

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Stephen Wright Stephen Wright

Influencing the Interviewer

You might think that a job interview is a lot like a sales call from the perspective of the candidate. However, this is only partially true. In this blog, we discuss how you can play a critical role in shaping the direction of an interview by smoothly and effectively influencing the interviewer.

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huglondon huglondon

Is it time for a career rethink?

During times of change and perhaps crisis, you might start to ask: ‘Is it time for a rethink?’. We can say that a career is built on skills, momentum, direction and desire. The topography is always shifting but much of the time, change is almost imperceptible. However, there are times when something big happens and that forces reflection. So is now the time for a rethink?

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Stephen Wright Stephen Wright

I was more than qualified. Why didn’t I get the job?

It’s one of the most frustrating job search scenarios that my coaching clients talk about. You secure a job interview. Everything seems to go well in the interviews. And then, it turns out you didn’t get the job.

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Stephen Wright Stephen Wright

How to stay motivated in a Job Search

Staying motivated in a job search can be difficult, especially if you’ve applied for jobs, made it to interview, and then fallen at the final hurdle.

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