Find out your career health score today.

Evaluate your overall career health in 9 simple steps, and begin to take action to maximise your career success. Fill out the form below to download your PDF Guide.

Tune in with your wider career vision to maintain choice and control.

At Career Mentor, our goal is to empower Finance professionals to build careers that align with their lives, values and ambitions. With this in mind, from time to time, it's a great idea to lift our heads up from the grindstone and to make an assessment of our overall career health. This allows us to understand our lived reality, and to compare it to the blueprint of what it would look like in an ideal world.

Understanding your Career Health

  • Evaluate

    Evaluate the current status of your career in 9 key categories

  • Reflect

    Use your Career Health Wheel to reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of your career as it stands

  • Take action

    Identify the actions you’ll take to maximise your career success in the coming weeks and months

Got any questions? Get in touch.

We’re here if you’ve got any questions. Click a time below to schedule a quick, no strings attached, 15 minute call.